Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blogging Does a Job Good!

Coolest most random thing, I blogged about where I work at which is at Renaissance Clubsport for one of the first blogs I did on here, and I guess Renaissance Clubsport's website got 30 hits because of my blog! My work also found out where they were getting the hits from and it said from my blog, wow! So now I am like a shining star at work and they love that my blog got them hits!

So here I am to blog about my work again and give them credit for being such a cool place to work and especially work out at. I am going to work out today for the second time when I get off just cause I can  and cause the gym is SUPER  nice. We have saunas/steamrooms in each of the locker rooms which I am in love with. I LOVE heat and I love to relax after I work out so the fact that I can just go sit in the sauna after I work out is pretty sweet to me, so I like to stay after work to take advantage of that as well. If you have not seen the website for it and or are not a fan of them on facebook you should take a gander of their website and then become their fan on facebook!

If most of the people that actually read my blog did not live in Utah like I know they do, I would recommend that you all join but since your all mostly 600 miles or more away I wont.. however for all of my local Cali readers join, join, join!!

Facebook link:!/renaissanceclubsportav

Website link:

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