Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update On My Crazy Life!

my marathon in life I am currently trying to finish!

Ok so if you have been following up with my crazy, drama life latley then you are well aware that I recently found out I have a brain anerysum due to what we found out to be called partial complex seizures, where I just blank out for 30 seconds or more kinda like I am there but I can't hear you or answer you.. its wierd..

Anywho, I went to Utah to get tests done recently for it to see how serious it is and what the options are to get it fixed. All the tests I had done for it are: MRI, EEG, and a procedure called an Angiogram. Let me tell you what none of these tests were fun by anymeans.. however they had to be done and it will all be worth it in the end.

Brain Anerysums are pretty serious if they rupture, they can  result in death... However it is a very low percentage that they actually rupture.. however that percentage grows by 2% each year I get older therefore it really is such a blessing that we found it when we did so we can fix it. The neosurgeon told us that if I was  90 years old and in a resthome he would not even have us do anything about it, but since I am so young and active and at child bearing age they say we should definatley do something about it so I don't have to worry about it.

Now keep in mind I had my angiogram test on Thursday and my neurologist and neurosurgeon appointments were not until Monday and Tuesday...So that means we had to wait the whole weekend in anticipation and worry to be able to get some answers and some peace of mind finally.. lets just say it was not an easy thing to do. I did get to hang out with friends in Utah which was nice, again I say bitter sweet.

I was worried about 2 things happening once I went to the appointments which are: loosing my license due to my siezures (people with seizures get their license taken away depending on how serious they are since it would be bad to be driving then have one) and the second thing I was worried about would be having to get brain surgery where they would have to shave my head..

The good news is.... I can keep my license and I can keep my hair... I do still have to get some type of surgery however I will explain... So the neurosurgeon said that due to the location of my anerysum it is in a way difficult spot to operate on and there would be alot of risks with it, so he did not want to do that...
so the second option is a procedure called coiling which is Coil embolization:  During this procedure, a small tube is inserted into the affected artery and positioned near the aneurysm. Tiny metal coils are then moved through the tube into the aneurysm, relieving pressure on the aneurysm and making it less likely to rupture. This procedure is less invasive and is believed to be safer than surgical clipping.

Therefore, it is basically like a tube inside my brain to protect the anerysum so if it ruptures it ruptures into the tube instead of directly effecting me. Yes it will still be scary and painful but it is so much better then having to get actual brain surgery and I get to keep my long hair! We are planning on doing this all before my insurance runs out in June.. so within the next month or so...

I want people to know that I will be ok there is light at the end of the tunnell, I still have no idea what this means exactley for my life right now, things are litterally crazy in my life right now with this and other things, but I will be ok. I have never read my scriptures and prayed so hard in my life as I had now, I honestly don't know what I would do without the church in my life and the support of my family and friends right now all of that makes this a whole mess so much easier to deal with, so I sincerely thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Oh Jentrie, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this. But I'm also so grateful that we have technology to be able to fix it. AND that you get to keep your GORGEOUS hair! You are in my thoughts and prayers. :)

  2. Love you and your positive attitude. I know they will find someway to fix you!

  3. Omg Jentrie, I'm so glad you found out about this now instead of later down the road. I've seen so many sad stories about stuff like this at work where people don't even know anything is wrong and then they are all of the sudden on their deathbed. You will do great with this procedure, but you'll be in our prayers!

  4. Jentrie i'm so glad that there is a solution to this madness. & i'm also so glad you don't have to cut your goldie-locks! you have to let me know when you're going to be in town doing all of this so that i can come bring you ice cream. mmk?

    love you!!!
